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Mid Essex Anglican Trust home page

To unlock every child’s potential as a unique child of God

Our curriculum offer

Each school has its own individual broad and balanced, rich and varied curriculum which is adapted to meet the needs of the actual pupils in each school. 


Religious Education


In Church of England schools, where pupils and staff come from all faiths and none, Religious Education (RE) is a highly valued academic subject that enables understanding of how religion and belief affect our lives.

The Trust is linked to the Chelmsford Diocese.  The Chelmsford Diocesan Board of Education (CBDE) believes that RE enables pupils to develop religious literacy the ability to hold informed and balanced conversations about religion and beliefs.


The Church of England Statement of Entitlement for Religious Education 2019 document outlines the expectations of the Church of England Education Office in relation to Religious Education. It is used by SIAMS (Section 48) inspectors when they are assessing the quality of RE in church schools and academies.


Syllabus Information

All Voluntary Controlled church schools and Foundation schools are legally required to use the Locally Agreed Syllabus as the basis of their RE curriculum (Mountnessing Church of England Primary School).


Academies and Voluntary Aided church schools are encouraged to use their local agreed syllabus as the basis of their RE curriculum, but they are not required to do so (Bentley St Paul's Church of England Primary School and Shenfield St Mary's Church of England Primary School).


All schools follow the Essex Agreed Syllabus, please see the link below. 



To find out more about each school's curriculum, please follow the links below.